Family Mirlis

Here is an early picture of Zalman's family
(He and his wife are on top row).

I am looking for my relatives. My grandmother's brother moved to the USA approximately in 1930-1931. His last name was Mirlis(Mirliss, Merlis, Marlis, Mirlus, Merlys), first name Zalman (Salman), middle name Schmulevich. His wife's first name was Rivka (Riva). He was born in 1895-1897 in Ukraine (Russia) village Staraya Sinyava or Pilava or Medzibosh, district Kamenets-Podolsk. He had 2 brothers, (Shome, Dudeck (David) and 2 sisters (Dasya - my grandmother and Menya), 2 daughters, and 2 sons. Zalman's wife and children moved to the USA later on from Petersburg (Leningrad), presumably to New York by ship. I'd like to gather any information about this family. The only thing I know is that He worked at the bicycle or similar plant in Brooklyn.

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